Sunday, January 5, 2014

I wanna be a Ninja.

Ive always been a dreamer with my head high in the clouds. Such a dreamer that as a young person I would abandon reality for a walk in the proverbial park. Oh I was a terrible student until I was introduced to Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics .... the typical 12 year old things and believe me I sucked and currently fail in math but I was broad-minded.

Science. Scholastics. Spiritualism. Religion. Belief systems.
I constantly asked ''what are we and why are we here" at the tender age of 8....12....16....21...34.
One of the only answers we cannot find solid evidence for, just personal beliefs that totally obscure the original timeless question. I would say that it's pretty daunting moving through life not being sure of why it exists in the first place. If you have a charming obsessive compulsive disposition (like myself) a small corner of your mind is filled with such triviality.
On second thought nothing is trivial.

When I was at that tender age of questioning everything (although I still do) I had decided to become a Ninja, Ballerina, Veterinarian or Artist. Becoming a Ninja was the most alluring and for many reasons.
I still get that spark in my eye when I see action/Kung-Fu films. Is it too late?
Becoming and Artist was second best.

Living out of necessity is to face certain death.

After a career of making other Artists successful (and rich) I decided to work on my Artistry in a professional manner, this included "working'' 7 days a week. Total meltdown. The lights went out one day.
It can be true what they say, ''When you do what you love for a living, you never work a day in your life''.
There is also a saying that I came up with, ''When you do what you love 7 days a week you can grow resentful  and uninspired.

You have 24 hours to dream, create, plan or ''work''. I have the emotional and artistic ability to combine the above mentioned and not go through the motions. Are you going through the motions everyday? Do you contemplate why you exist and how can you live a more fulfilling life?

I still fantasize about Ninjadom' and the closest I have gotten is some years of martial arts (breaking boards and peoples arms) and wearing all black. I like the Black.

“I may not look like much, but I'm an expert at pretending to be a ninja.”
-D. Jones, First Grave on the right

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