Friday, September 9, 2011

Now accepting applications

In constant search of stimulation.
I have always said that "I am mildly interested in everything" and I never like the old saying "Jack of all trades master of none" that is for rogues.  I only do things I feel strongly about no matter the gravitation.  I often wonder how any creative individual pulls their inspiration from seeing as nearly everything has replicated.
They say true art comes from pain, suffering and disparity this may be true however I find myself most enlivened and creative when I am encouraged, given allowance and favored. I would say that (in all things) you must have balance, often the scale will bow in favor in the darkness in lieu of the light so as a Libra I fully appreciate this notion.
I am currently inspired although admittedly need a constant flow of energy to create and remain stimulated.

I desire a Muse.


Anonymous said...

I am the same way. I need to be constantly stimulated, whether it's from reading, music, films or people. I often find life to be my ultimate muse. Reflecting, rejecting, understanding, attempting to understand every aspect of it. Though, impossible to, I strive to do so, as I strive I find the balance you speak of and create.

I would go mad if I didn't have a creative outlet.

Brother Ollie said...

a muse would be good...right about now

Marian said...

i'll be your muse :)